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  • Vasco Cavalheiro - Course Creator

    Vasco Cavalheiro - Course Creator

    Online Course Creator, teaching web technologies. I taught over 100k web developers over the years, and I'm now sharing everything that I know about online teaching here at the Creator Academy.

    More posts by Vasco Cavalheiro - Course Creator.

    Vasco Cavalheiro - Course Creator

Announcing the creation of the Course Creator Academy

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Announcing the creation of the Course Creator Academy

Welcome to the OnlineCourseHost.com blog. In this post, we are announcing a brand new learning resource for online course creators.

Hello and welcome to the OnlineCourseHost.com blog. If you are an online course course creator or content creator, then this is the right place for you!

In this blog we will publish occasional news and updates about our company and the online learning industry in general.

In our first post, we are excited to be making a major announcement: we are now starting a brand new online resource for helping both aspiring and established online course creators.

We want every course creator to become successful and be able to build a sustainable online course business, helping and teaching thousands of people along the way.

For that, we feel that the most important factor is to make sure that every course creator has all the information and tools that they need to be successful.

We already provide all the tools needed, under the form of the OnlineCourseHost.com self-hosting platform. But what about the information?

Things such as for example:

  • knowing how to use those tools effectively
  • knowing how to create and sell online courses
  • knowing how to start an online learning business
  • learning how to build an audience and market a course
  • knowing how to grow your online learning business

All of these are essential skills that need to be learned just as much as how to produce a video, edit it, etc.

We think that every course creator should have all of this information upfront, even before getting started recording their first video.

We want course creators to have a clear blueprint of how to develop a successful business, avoiding a bunch of initial pitfalls that can be easily avoided by having the right knowledge from the start.

This is why we have decided to create the Course Creator Academy. This a series of free online resources, fully accessible without the need of logging in or joining a mailing list.

In these resources, we will cover everything that an online course creator needs to know about creating a successful online learning business.

You can find all the content already available at the Course Creator Academy by clicking on the Academy Home page link on the top menu bar, or by following the link below:

OnlineCourseHost.com Course Creator Academy Home Page - Start Here

Future plans for the Course Creator Academy

In the next couple of months, we will be rolling out a series of in-depth guides on multiple aspects of online course production, sales and marketing.

All of these guides will be viewable online and you can also easily print them as PDFs for offline reading if you need to.

We are also rolling out an Facebook course creator community, where you can interact with other course creators and with our support team.

In order to keep up to date with the latest guides, announcements and other content as it becomes available, we are happy to welcome you to the Course Creator Academy:

Please let us know in the comment section below, what type of content would you like to see here in the Academy?

Vasco Cavalheiro

OnlineCourseHost.com Founder & Online Course Creator

LinkedIn Facebook Page Facebook Group Twitter

You are welcome to ask me any questions in the comments below: 👇👇👇👇

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